About Me

I am an Ontario native who has always had an attraction for visual arts from a young age. This attraction turned into a passion for creating designs that solve problems that everyday users face. At the core of it all, design is what moves things forward, we experience everything through design. 

I would consider myself someone curious when it comes to design, always looking for ways to craft solutions unique to problems that people face everyday. Coming from a startup background, I have been exposed to environments where I wear different hats day-to-day, learn at a very fast pace to produce product solutions from anywhere between 2 week sprints to 6 week cycles. I love being a team player, working closely with various stakeholders while advocating for the user's needs and wants. 

When I am not designing, you can find me working out, playing sports (mainly basketball), gaming, and watching anime!

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any inquiries. I am always open to working on new projects and look forward to building something unique for you!